Calendar for 29.03.2025
New Releases...
New Dance Releases...
UK Charts...
US Charts...
Historical Charts
UK Singles (1952-2025)
UK Albums (1956-2025)
Billboard Singles (1940-2025)
Billboard Albums (1970-2025)
Radio Luxembourg Singles (1980-1991)
Grammy Awards
Grammy Hall of Fame
In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.
This web was launched on June 1, 2000.
© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2025)
Information Sources
- Musical Press
- Melody Maker (UK)
- New Musical Express (UK)
- Rock&Pop (CZ)
- Bang!, Big Beng! (CZ)
- Melodie (CZ)
- Rolling Stone (CZ)
- Rock Report, Gramorevue, Populár etc. (all CZ)
- Books
- M.C.Strong: The Great Rock Discography (third edition, 1996, Cannongate Books Ltd., UK)
- Lubomír Dorůžka: Panorama populární hudby 1918/1978 (1981, Mladá fronta, CZ)
- Aleš Opekar, Josef Vlček: Excentrici v přízemí (1989, Panton, CZ)
- Jiří Černý: Hvězdy tehdejších hitparád (1989, Panton, CZ)
- Hans van den Heuvel: De Hard Rock & Heavy Metal Encyclopedie (1992, Strengholt, Netherlands)
- Petr Korál, Jaroslav Špulák: Ohlasy písní těžkých (1993, Hakon Euro, s.r.o., CZ)
- various biographies, monographs etc.
- Internet
- Teletext news services (MTV, Viva), TV a radio broadcasting, labels' catalogues etc.