(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

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Calendar for 31.03.2025

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In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.
This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2025)
Line-Up Ex-Members Albums Singles Videos Links Various Refers
London, GB
*  1977


UK SUBS (photo)

Charlie Harper - voc,hca
Jet - g
Alvin Gibbs - bg
Jamie Oliver - ds

Former Members:

Nicky Garrett (g, 1977-3/83, 1997-cca 12/99, cca 11/09); Captain Scarlet (g, 3/83-84); John Fallon (g, 1984-?); Alan Lee (g, cca 1989-cca 1991); Darryl Barth (g, cca 1989); Alan Campbell (g, cca 1993-cca 1/99); Soho Steve (g, cca 1/05)

Paul Slack (bg, 1977-6/80, 3/83-84); Alvin Gibbs (bg, 1980-3/83); Jezz Moncur (bg, 1984-?); Flea Dave Farrelly (bg, cca 1989); (bg); Brian Barnes (bg, cca 9/97); Andy Frantic (bg, cca 1/99)

Pete Davies (ds, 1977-6/80, cca 9/97); Steve Roberts (ds, 1980-1/82); Sol Mintz (ds, 1/82-?); Kim Wylie (ds, 4/82-3/83); Steve Jones (ds, 3/83-84); Rab Fae Beith (ds, 1984-?); Matt McCoy (ds, cca 1989); Garry Baldi (ds, cca 1/99-cca 12/99); John Towe (ds, cca 1/05)

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Another Kind Of Blues20.09.1979Gem/RCA21
2.Live Kicks2/1980 Stiff
3.Brand New Age25.04.1980Gem/RCA18
4.Live Crash Course9/1980 Gem/RCA8
5.Diminished Responsibility13.02.1981Gem/RCA18
6.Endangered Species4/1982 NEMS
7.Live At Gossips
8.UK Subs (Recorded 1979-81)08.10.1982Abstract
9.Flood Of Lies10/1983 Fall Out
10.Demonstration Tapes4/1984 Konexion
11.Gross-Out U.S.A.1/1985 Fall Out
12.Huntigton Beach12/1985 Revolver
13.Subs Standards4/1986 Dojo
14.In Action - 10th Anniversary
4/1986 Red Flame
15.Left For Dead / Alive In Holland '866/1986 ROIR
16.Raw Material7/1986 Killewatt
17.Japan Today12/1987 Fall Out
18.Killing Time3/1989 Fall Out
19.Live At The Roxy1989
20.Sabre Dance1990
21.Greatest Hits (Live in Paris)4/1990 Released Emotions
22.Mad Cow Fever2/1991 Fall Out
23.The Singles 1978-19825/1991 Abstract
24.Down On The Farm (A Collection Of The Less Obvious)12/1991 Streetlink
25.Europe Calling6/1992 Released Emotions
26.Greatest Hits Live8/1992 Streetlink
27.Punk And Disorderly6/1993 Optima
28.Normal Service Resumed7/1993 Fall Out
29.Scum Of The Earth - The Best Of The UK Subs10/1993 Music Collection
30.Left For Dead12/1994 ROIR
31.Punk Can Take It1995
32.The Punk Is Back5/1995 C.A.S.
33.Normal Service Resumed: Live in Croatia01.06.1995Let Them Eat Vinyl
34.The Punk Singles Collection9/1995 Anagram
35.Self Destruct1996
36.Occupied25.03.1996Fall Out/EFA
37.The Peel Sessions 78-791997
39.Quintessentials21.04.1997Fall Out/EFA
40.Punk Rock Rarities1998
41.Box Set16.11.1998
43.Sub Mission, The Best Of 1982-199803.05.1999Jungle
44.Time Warp - Greatest Hits20.03.2001Cleopatra
45.Universal04.06.2002Let Them Eat Vinyl
46.Complete Riot10.01.2006New Red Archives
47.Introduction to the U.K. Subs09.05.2006Fuel 2000
48.Greatest Hits23.06.2009Great American Music
49.Left For Dead31.07.20124Worlds Media
51.XXIV12.03.2013Captain Oi!
52.Punk Essentials09.04.2013Cleopatra
53.Yellow Leader31.03.2015Captain Oi!
54.On the Road05.05.2015Jettisoundz
55.Gem Singles05.02.2016Demon
56.Dance & Travel in the Punk Rock Age12.02.2016Music Video Distribution
57.Demonstration Tapes / Raw Material12.02.2016Captain Oi!
58.Blast in Belfast, 199801.04.2016Punkerama
59.Violent State / The Revolution's Here15.04.2016Let Them Eat Vinyl
60.Friends and Relations29.04.2016Cleopatra
61.Live in Bremen 198208.07.2016Combat Rock
62.Live from London23.09.2016Arenamusic
63.4 Ways to the Center30.09.2016Cleopatra
64.Dance & Travel in the Punk Rock Age, Vol. 207.10.2016Jettisoundz

Charlie Harper:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Stolen Property11/1981 Flicknife

Steve Roberts:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Do You Know Who I Am?7/1982 The Exploited

Singles Discography:

#SP/EP TitleRelease DateLabelUKUSA
1.C.I.D. / Live In A Car / B.I.C.17.11.1978City
2.Stranglehold / World War / Rockers6/1979 Gem/RCA26
3.Tomorrow's Girls / Scum Of The Heart / Telephone Numbers31.08.1979Gem/RCA24
4.C.I.D. / Live In A Car / B.I.C.
10/1979 Pinnacle
5.She's Not There / Kicks / Victim / The Same Thing23.11.1979Gem/RCA27
6.Warhead / I'm Waiting For The Man / The Harper29.02.1980Gem/RCA18
7.Teenage / Left For Dead / New York State Police5/1980 Gem/RCA15
8.Party In Paris / Fall Of The Empire10/1980 Gem/RCA37
9.Keep On Runnin' (Till You Burn) / Perfect Girl
7"(2) + Ice Age / Party In Paris (French version)
10.Countdown / Plan Of Action13.11.1981N.E.M.S.
11.Live At Gossips EP6/1982 Chaos
12.Shake Up The City EP
(Self Destruct / Police State / War Of The Roses)
13.Another Typical City / Still Life
12" + Veronique
14.Magic / Private Army / The Spell / Multiple Minds / Primary Strength9/1984 Fall Out
15.This Gun Says / Speak For Myself / Wanted6/1985 Fall Out
16.Live In Holland - Tenth Anniversary EP
(Stranglehold / New Barbarians / Tomorrow's Girls / Between The Eyes)
4/1986 Red Flame
17.Hey Santa (Leave These Kids Alone) / Thunderbird12/1987 Fall Out
18.The Motivator / Combat Zone / Fascist Regime / Auld Lang Syne / Cycle Sluts From Hell2/1989 Released Emotions
19.The Road Is Hard, The Road Is Long EP
(Jodie Foster / Here Comes Alex / Killer Time / Another Cuba / Lydia)
20.Riot 98 EP25.05.1998Fall Out/EFA

Charlie Harper:

#SP/EP TitleRelease DateLabelUKUSA
1.Barmy London Army / Talk Is Cheap04.07.1980Gem/RCA68
2.Freaked / Jo10.07.1981Raxx


1. Gross Out U.K.

WWW Links:


1976-77 United Kingdom Subversives

disbanded 3/1983
reunited cca 1990

Pete Davies:

appeared on the SP:

Charlie Harper: Barmy London Army (4.7.80, Gem/RCA)
Charlie Harper: Freaked (10.7.81, Raxx)

Paul Slack:

appeared on the SP:

Charlie Harper: Freaked (10.7.81, Raxx)

Press References:

1995508.03.199515Live Bang!gig review
Big Beng!
19973004.09.199723Forum kritikumalbum review
19973509.10.199712Livegig review
1999328.01.199920profile, discography
1999511.02.199911Na cestě s ...profile, interview
1999511.02.199912Livegig review
2000227.01.200044Forum kritikumalbum review
2000310.02.200014Livegig review
19924 17gig review
Melody Maker
19784418.11.197818Singlessingle review
19793301.09.197922Singlessingle review
19794127.10.197929Albumsalbum review
19794424.11.197913After Dark
19794424.11.197928Singlessingle review
19801008.03.198023Singlessingle review
19801008.03.198024Albumsalbum review
19803611.10.198029Albumsalbum review
1981714.02.198120Albumsalbum review
19811007.03.198127Caught In The Actgig review
19811618.04.198117Singlessingle review
19811802.05.198131Singlessingle review
19813101.08.198123Caught In The Actgig review
19814614.11.198114Singlessingle review
1982530.01.198213Caught In The Actgig review
1982606.02.19824Fast Forward
19821403.04.198224Albumsalbum review
19824002.10.19824Fast Forward
19824109.10.198222Albumsalbum review
19824430.10.198223Singlessingle review
19824827.11.198233Caught In The Actgig review
19831219.03.19835Fast Forward
19831326.03.19835Fast Forward
19831402.04.198314It's Alivegig review
19832121.05.198316It's Alivegig review
19834215.10.198328Albumsalbum review
19841728.04.198430Albumsalbum review
19934109.10.199340Albums - Retroactivealbum review
19935118.12.199327Singlessingle review
19952708.07.199534Albumsalbum review
Rock & Pop
1991712.04.199122Livegig review
1992623.03.199230Livegig review
1995514.03.199531Livegig review
19967 20Galerie
19993 96Livegig review
20002 96Livegig review
20002 111Recenze - Novinkyalbum review
20042 66Livegig review
20063 76Livegig review
20073 84Livegig review
20093 14Fast Forwardinterview
20093 74Replay - Livegig review
Rolling Stone
20003 72Nová albaalbum review