(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

Last Update: May 26, 2024          Total of: 367 270 artists

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Calendar for 01.06.2024

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Historical Charts
UK Singles
UK Albums
Billboard Singles
Billboard Albums
Radio Luxembourg Singles

Grammy Awards
Grammy Hall of Fame

Guest Book Notes Sources Acknowledgements

In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Ex-Members Albums Refers
Gerstetten, Germany
*  3/1981


Andy Aldrian - voc
Damir Uzunovic - g
Steve Merchant - g
Martin Albrecht - bg
Pete Lancer - ds

Former Members:

Ronny Pearson (bg, 3/81-1988); Andy Hunter (bg, 1988-?)
Lee Tarot (g, 3/81-1989); Wolf Schludi (g, 1989-?)

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Walpurgis Night9/1984 Scratch
2.Tales Of Terror6/1985 Scratch
3.Stronger Than Heaven1986 Scratch
4.The Beauty And The Beast
produced by: Stormwitch
1987 Gama
5.Eye Of The Storm1989 Gama-in-Akustic
6.War Of Wizards1992 Steamhammer
7.Shogun1/1995 Steamhammer
8.Priest Of Evil23.03.1998Last Episode
10.Season of the Witch17.02.2015Massacre

Press References:

Big Beng!
19982920.08.1998283Hard & Heavy Mastersprofile, discography
20021416.08.200246Forum kritikumalbum review
19899 271Melodie z domovagig review