(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

Last Update: June 30, 2024          Total of: 367 360 artists

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Calendar for 08.07.2024

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Historical Charts
UK Singles
UK Albums
Billboard Singles
Billboard Albums
Radio Luxembourg Singles

Grammy Awards
Grammy Hall of Fame

Guest Book Notes Sources Acknowledgements

In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Albums Singles Refers
München, Germany
*  1998

Line-Up (2002):

Valerie Trebeljahr - voc
Markus Acher - g,voc
Florian Zimmer - kb
Christoph Brandner - ds

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Tridecoder08.11.1999Morr Music
2.Scary World Theory2002 Morr Music
3.Faking The Books2/2004 Morr Music
4.I Thought I Was Over That: Rare Remixed & B-Sides13.06.2005Morr Music
5.Our Inventions08.04.2010Morr Music
6.Silver Light17.07.2012Morr Music

Singles Discography:

#SP/EP TitleRelease DateLabelUKUSA
1.Electric Tones: 9101112
(WeWho / Pivot / Bornio / Clear Cut (Christian Kleine remix))
& Soul Circuit & Noriko & Bomb The Bass
18.02.2002Electric Tones
2.Micronomic / The Duly Match / Harrison Reverse / Alienation (Alias remix)05.07.2004Morr Music
3.Silver Light EP
(I've Been Alone Over The Rainbow / Hostile To Me (Cornelius remix) / Move On (Baths remix) / Safe Tomorrow (Odd Nosdam remix))
12.07.2012Morr Music
4.Machines Are Human / Mary Maloone
& Trampauline
14.04.2015A Number Of Small Things

Press References:

20027 68Ghettaprofile
Rock & Pop
20043 76Recenzealbum review
20044 15Pódiaprofile
20046 71Livegig review
20047 38Interviewinterview
20056 66Recenzealbum review