(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

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Calendar for 18.06.2024

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In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Ex-Members Albums Videos Various Refers
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
*  1993



Jamey Jasta - voc
Frank Novinec - g
Sean Martin - g
Chris Beattie - bg
Rigg Ross - ds
Wayne Lozinak - g

Former Members:

Lou "Boulder" Richards (g, 1993-?)

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Under The Knife01.09.1997Network/Semaphore
2.Satisfaction Is Death Of Desire16.02.1998Victory/Semaphore
3.Perseverance26.03.2002Universal 50
4.Rise of Brutality28.10.2003Universal 30
5.Supremacy29.08.2006Roadrunner 31
6.For The Lions05.05.2009E1 58
7.Hatebreed29.09.2009E1 37
8.The Divinity of Purpose29.01.2013Razor & Tie 20
9.Looking Down the Barrel of Today22.04.2016Nuclear Blast
10.A.D.29.04.2016Nuclear Blast
11.The Concrete Confessional13.05.2016Nuclear Blast78 25
12.Weight Of The False Self
produced by: Chris "Zeuss" Harris
27.11.2020Nuclear Blast

Jamey Jasta:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
credited to: Jasta
featuring: Tim Lambesis, Mike Vallely, Philip Labonte, Randy Blythe, Mark Morton, Zakk Wylde
25.07.2011Koch 132


1. Live Dominance - 02.09.2008, Century Media, live, prod. by Vinnie Paul, 156 min


Jamey Jasta:

Press References:

Rock & Pop
20037 31Hrr na ně
20042 72Recenzealbum review
20095 72Recordalbum review
20095 73Record - Nemine nás