(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

Last Update: June 15, 2024          Total of: 367 335 artists

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Calendar for 26.06.2024

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Historical Charts
UK Singles
UK Albums
Billboard Singles
Billboard Albums
Radio Luxembourg Singles

Grammy Awards
Grammy Hall of Fame

Guest Book Notes Sources Acknowledgements

In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Ex-Members Albums Singles
*  2009

Line-Up (2022):

CALIBRE 50 (photo)

Tony Elizondo - voc,acc
Armando Ramos - g,voc
Alejandro Gaxiola
Erick Garcia

Former Members:

Eden Muňoz (voc,acc, 2009-1/22)
Augusto (ds, cca 2014)
Martin Lopez (tuba, 2009-cca 2014)

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Renovar O Morir07.12.2010Disa
2.De Sinaloa Para El Mundo22.03.2011Disa
3.El Buen Ejemplo28.02.2012Disa
4.Grandes Exitos10/2012 200
5.Aquí Estoy18.12.2012Disa
6.La Recompensa12.02.2013Disa
7.El Inmigrante15.10.2013Disa
8.Corridos de Alto Calibre22.10.2013Disa
9.Tus Latidos08.04.2014Disa
11.Gran Encuentro: 20 Éxitos Originales11.11.2014Universal
12.Lo Mejor De...03.02.2015Disa
13.Historias de La Calle20.11.2015Sony Music 136
14.Amor del Bueno08.07.2016Calibre
15.Desde el Rancho23.09.2016Andaluz Music
16.Las Ultras07.04.2017Calibre

Singles Discography:

#SP/EP TitleRelease DateLabelUKUSA
1.Qué Tiene De Malo
feat El Komander
2.Spotify Sessions EP23.09.2014Universal
3.La Bola02.09.2016Calibre
4.Siempre Te Voy a Querer09.09.2016Calibre
5.Pa' Qué Me Hacen Enojar16.09.2016Calibre
6.Volvere a Amore15.03.2017