(Almost) Complete Database of Pop Music Česky

Last Update: June 15, 2024          Total of: 367 335 artists

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Calendar for 26.06.2024

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Historical Charts
UK Singles
UK Albums
Billboard Singles
Billboard Albums
Radio Luxembourg Singles

Grammy Awards
Grammy Hall of Fame

Guest Book Notes Sources Acknowledgements

In spite of great effort, the author is not capable to ensure the absolute data integrity. Any suggestions, supplementary information and proposals about the site contents and/or design are welcome as well as the offers of cooperation, sponsoring, advertising etc.

This web was launched on June 1, 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Line-Up Albums Singles Refers


Paul Hofner - g
Justine Armitage - viol,kb
Kieron Hunter - bg
Pinball Geoff - ds

Albums Discography:

#TitleRelease DateLabelTypeUKUSA
1.Maria Callous10/1996 Poppy

Singles Discography:

#SP/EP TitleRelease DateLabelUKUSA
1.Blue Angel15.10.1990Fine Tune
2.Saturnine5/1994 Blue Eyed Dog
3.Crow In Heels01.05.1995Humbug
4.Welcome To My Judy Garland Life24.06.1996Poppy
5.Betty Page Is Back16.08.1996Poppy
6.Time For A Black Jesus? / She Is The Big She25.11.1996Poppy
7.My Judy Garland Life / Klassy With A Capital K24.02.1997Poppy

Press References:

Melody Maker
19921221.03.199218Livegig review
19931908.05.199314Livegig review
19942923.07.199423Livegig review
19951806.05.199534Singlessingle review
19953502.09.199541Singlessingle review
19953823.09.199520Live!gig review
19954618.11.199518Livegig review
1996427.01.199626Livegig review
19961009.03.199616Livegig review
19962629.06.199653Singlessingle review
19963027.07.199636Live!gig review
19964112.10.199653Singlessingle review
19964326.10.199642Albumsalbum review
19964616.11.199634Livegig review
1997211.01.199728Livegig review
1997901.03.199753Singlessingle review
19972307.06.199736Livegig review
19972628.06.199751Albumsalbum review