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Kalendárium 27.06.2024

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Přes veškerou snahu o zachování hodnověrnosti nemůže autor ručit za absolutní správnost všech údajů. Jakékoliv připomínky, rozšiřující informace a návrhy ohledně obsahu i designu jsou vítány, stejně jako nabídky spolupráce, sponsoringu, reklamy apod.

Web byl uveden do provozu 1. června 2000.

© Miroslav Jurčeka (1989-2022)
Působení Ex-členové Alba Singly Video Filmy Knihy Ocenění Linky Různé Reference

Osobní údaje:

Narozen(a): 21.12.1940 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA, jako Francis Vincent Zappa Jr.)
Zemřel(a): 04.12.1993 (rakovina prostaty)
ZAPPA Frank (photo)


1956-? The Blackouts
1966-8/69 The Mothers Of Invention
1971-75 The Mothers Of Invention

Bývalí členové:

Ike Willis (voc, 1979-80, 1985-cca 1988); Bob Harris (voc, 1983, 1985); Napoleon Murphy Brock (voc, 1984-86); Dale Bozzio (voc, 1985)

Danny Whalley (slide g, 1979-82); Steve Vai (g, 1980-84); Ray White (g, 1980-81, 1985-86); Johnny "Guitar" Watson (g, 1984-86); Mike Keneally (g,synths,voc, cca 1988)

Patrick O'Hearn (voc,bg, cca 11/76); Roy Estrada (bg, cca 1/78, 1983-?); Arthur Barrow (bg, 1979-85); Scott Thunes (bg, 1982-cca 1988)

Eddie Jobson (kb,viol, cca 11/76); Bianca (voc,kb, cca 11/76); Peter Wolf (kb, 1979-82); Tommy Mars (kb,voc, 1979-86); Bobby Martin (kb,sax, 1982-cca 1988); Bobby Mars (voc,kb, 1986)

Terry Bozzio (voc,ds, cca 11/76, 1985); Vinnie Colaiuta (ds, 1979-83); Jimmy Carl Black (ds, 1981-82); Chad Wackermann (ds, 1982-cca 1988)

Ruth Underwood (perc, cca 1977); Ed Mann (perc,voc, 1979-cca 1988)

Marty Krystal (sax, 1983-?); Paul Carman (sax, cca 1988); Albert Wino (sax, cca 1988); Kurt McGettrick (sax, cca 1988)

Dick Pegy (mand, 1983-?); Craig Steward (hca, 1983-?)

Walt Fowler (tr, cca 1988); Bruce Fowler (tr, cca 1988)

Albová diskografie:

#TitulDatum vydáníFirmaTypUKUSA
1.Lumpy Gravy12/1967 Verve
2.Hot Rats10.10.1969Bizarre/Reprise9
3.Chunga's Revenge23.10.1970Bizarre/Reprise43
4.200 Motels
10/1971 United Artists 59
5.Sometimes In New York City
& John Lennon
6.Waka Jawaka05.07.1972Bizarre/Reprise
7.Grand Wazoo11/1972 Bizarre/Reprise
8.Apostrophe (')
produkce: Frank Zappa
3/1974 Discreet 10
9.Bongo Fury
& Captain Beefheart
produkce: Frank Zappa
17.10.1975Discreet 66
10.Zoot Allures05.11.1976Warner Bros 61
11.Zappa Live In New York
produkce: Frank Zappa
04.11.1977Discreet55 57
12.Studio Tan15.09.1978Discreet
13.Sleep Dirt19.01.1979Discreet
14.Sheik Yerbouti
23.02.1979Zappa/CBS32 21
15.Orchestral Favourities
16.Joe's Garage, Act I9/1979 Zappa62 27
17.Joe's Garage, Acts II & III
19.11.1979Zappa69 53
18.The Grandmothers (A Collection Of Ex-Mothers Of Invention Vol 1)1/1981 Rhino
19.Tinseltown Rebellion
08.05.1981Zappa55 66
20.Shut Up 'N' Play Yer Guitar11.05.1981Barking Pumpkin
21.Shut Up 'N' Play Yer Guitar Some More5/1981 Barking Pumpkin
22.Return Of The Son Of Shut Up 'N' Play Your Guitar5/1981 Barking Pumpkin
23.You Are What You Is
9/1981 Barking Pumpkin51 93
24.Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch5/1982 Barking Pumpkin61 23
25.London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 11/1983 Barking Pumpkin
26.The Man From Utopia3/1983 Barking Pumpkin87
27.Baby Snakes Soundtrack Picture Disc3/1983 Barking Pumpkin
28.Rare Meat - The Early Productions Of Frank Zappa3/1983 Del Fi
29.Boulez Conducts Zappa, The Perfect Stranger
& Pierre Boulez
8/1984 Angel
30.Them Or Us
19.10.1984Barking Pumpkin53
31.Thing Fish
11/1984 Barking Pumpkin
32.Francesco Zappa11/1984 Barking Pumpkin
33.The Old Masters, Box I
(6LP box set)
4/1985 Barking Pumpkin
34.Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention11/1985 Barking Pumpkin 153
35.Does Humor Belong In Music?1/1986 Capitol
36.The Old Masters, Box II
(8LP box set)
11/1986 Barking Pumpkin
37.Jazz From Hell15.11.1986Barking Pumpkin
38.Joe's Garage, Acts I, II & III6/1987 Barking Pumpkin
39.London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. II9/1987 Barking Pumpkin
40.The Old Masters, Box III
(8LP box set)
12/1987 Barking Pumpkin
41.Guitar And Watermelon In Easter Hay
4/1988 Barking Pumpkin82
43.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. I16.05.1988Barking Pumpkin
44.Broadway The Hardway11/1988 Barking Pumpkin
45.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. II
10/1988 Rykodisc
46.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. III
11/1989 Rykodisc
47.The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life
4/1991 Zappa
48.Make A Jazz Noise Life
6/1991 Zappa
49.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 4
50.Beat The Boots1991
51.As An Am9/1991 Zappa
52.The Ark9/1991 Zappa
53.Freaks & Motherfu*$'%!9/1991 Zappa
54.Unmitagated Audacity9/1991 Zappa
55.Anyway The Wind Blows
9/1991 Zappa
56.Saarbrucken 19789/1991 Zappa
57.Piquantique9/1991 Zappa
58.L.S.D. Vol 19/1991 Zappa
59.Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger5/1992 Zappa
60.Francesco Zappa5/1992 Zappa
61.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 5
10/1992 Zappa
62.You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 6
63.Playground Psychotics11/1992 Zappa
64.The Yellow Shark02.11.1993Zappa
65.Civilization Phase III
10/1994 Barking Pumpkin
66.Ahead Of Their Time5/1995 Rykodisc
67.Strictly Commercial: The Best Of Frank Zappa21.08.1995Rykodisc45
68.Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute1996 Universal
69.The Lost Episodes26.02.1996Rykodisc
71.Have I Offended Someone?07.04.1997Rykodisc
72.Strictly Genteel19.05.1997Rykodisc
73.Mystery Disc15.09.1998Globus
74.Everything Is Healing Nicely1999 Universal
75.The Son Of Cheap Thrills27.04.1999Rykodisc
76.Threesome, Vol. 1 & 2
77.Zappa Picks - By Jon Fishman of Phish15.10.2002Rykodisc
78.Zappa Picks - By Larry LaLonde of Primus15.10.2002Rykodisc
79.FZ: OZ - Frank Zappa Live in Australia11/2002 2CD
80.For Collectors Only24.12.2002Disky
81.Joe's Corsage2004 Zappa
83.Joe's Domage01.10.2004Universal
84.Classic Interviews31.05.2005United States Dist
86.Joe's Xmasage1/2006 Universal
87.Trance Fusion07.11.2006Zappa
88.Mofo Project / Object05.12.2006Zappa
89.Imaginary Diseases30.01.2007Zappa
91.Joe's Menage2008 Universal
93.A Token of His Extreme06.06.2008Eagle Rock
94.One Shot Deal13.06.2008Zappa
95.Lumpy Money25.11.20083CD
96.Dub Room Special16.12.2008Zappa
97.Philly 197615.12.2009Universal
98.Congress Shall Make No Law...2010 Universal
99.Greasy Love Songs: An FZ Audio Documentary Project / Object04.04.2010Universal
100.Hammersmith Odeon2011 Universal
101.Feeding the Monkies at Ma Maison23.09.2011Universal
102.Carnegie Hall
& The Mothers Of Invention
103.Lost Broadcasts: Interviews16.10.2012Ais
104.Understanding America30.10.2012Zappa
106.Make a Jazz Noise Here30.10.2012Universal
107.Paul Buff Presents Highlights from the Pal and Original Sound Studio Archives
& Paul Buff
108.Why Don'cha Do Me Right20.11.2012Ume
109.Playground Psychotics04.12.2012Zappa
110.Finer Moments18.12.2012Zappa
111.Joe's Camouflage2014 Universal
112.Freak Jazz, Movie Madness & Another Mothers07.10.2014Chrome Dreams
113.Puttin On The Ritz: The Classic NYC Broadcast 198105.11.2014Let Them Eat Vinyl
114.Providence College, Rhode Island, April 26, 1975
& Captain Beefheart
115.Dance Me This01.06.2015Universal
116.Teenage Rockin Combo: Dumb All Over Live At Ritz In New York City - November 17 1981
117.The Muffin Man Goes to College10.07.2015Sonic Boom
118.Halloween in The Big Apple31.07.2015Let Them Eat Vinyl
119.Mudshark: Live
& The Mothers
120.Bebop Tango Contest Live!18.09.2015Keyhole
121.Masked Turnip Cyclophony02.10.2015United States
122.The Muffin Man Goes To College Volume 2
& Captain Beefheart
05.10.2015Let Them Eat Vinyl
123.Transmission Impossible04.12.2015Eat To The Beat
124.The Lost Broadcast: The Beat Club '68
& The Mothers Of Invention
125.Roxy: The Movie
& The Mothers Of Invention
18.12.2015Eagle Rock
126.The New Maternity
& The Mothers Of Invention
15.01.2016Sonic Boom
127.Trouble Every Day29.01.2016Laser Media
128.In His Own Words11.03.2016I.V. Media
129.Ahoy There18.03.2016Refractor
130.Road Tapes, Venue #127.05.2016Zappa
131.Road Tapes: Venue #2 Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland 23, 24 August 197327.05.2016Vaulter Native
132.Road Tapes, Venue #327.05.2016Zappa
133.Dutch Courage03.06.2016Hobo
134.Son of Orange County
& Tom Waits
01.07.2016Laser Media
135.Frank Zappa For President15.07.2016Zappa
136.The Crux Of The Biscuit15.07.2016Zappa
137.Zappatite: Frank Zappa's Tastiest Tracks16.09.2016Zappa
138.Vancouver Workout
& The Mothers Of Invention
23.09.2016Zip City
139.Solid Gold: Live on Air21.10.2016The Store For Music
140.Meat Light: The Uncle Meat Project / Object Audio Documentary04.11.2016Zappa
141.Little Dots04.11.2016Zappa
142.Chicago '7804.11.2016Zappa
143.The Rare Tapes Broadcast20.01.2017Hobo
144.Live on Air20.01.2017Laser Media
145.The Roxy Performances
& The Mothers
(7CD box set)
146.Halloween 7310/2018 Universal
147.The Mothers 1970
& The Mothers
148.Halloween 81 - Live At The Palladium, New York City10/2020 Universal
149.Zappa Original Motion Picture Soundtrack19.01.20213CD/5LP
150.Zappa '88: The Last U.S. Show
produkce: Ahmet Zappa/Joe Travers
151.The Mothers 1971
& The Mothers
3/2022 Universal
152.Zappa / Erie6/2022
153.Zappa '75 - Zagreb / Ljubljana10/2022 Universal
154.Zappa '80 - Mudd Club / Munich3/2023 Universal
155.Funky Nothingness6/2023 Universal

Singlová diskografie:

#Název SP/EPDatum vydáníFirmaUKUSA
1.Peaches En Regalia / Little Umbrellas1/1970 Bizarre
2.Tell Me You Love Me / Would You Go All The Way?11/1970 Bizarre
3.Magic Fingers / Daddy, Daddy, Daddy10/1971 United Artists
4.What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning? / Daddy, Daddy, Daddy03.12.1971United Artists
5.Cosmic Debris / Uncle Remus
(v GB)
8/1974 Discreet
6.Don't Eat The Yellow Snow / Cosmic Debris9/1974 Warner Bros 86
7.Don't Eat The Yellow Snow / Camarillo Brillo
(v GB)
8.Find Her Finer / Zoot Allures10/1976 Warner Bros
9.Disco Boy / Ms. Pinky12/1976 Warner Bros 105
10.Dancin' Fool / Baby Snakes4/1979 Zappa 45
11.Bobby Brown1979
12.Joe's Garage / Central Scrutinizer
(v USA)
1/1980 Zappa
13.Joe's Garage / Catholic Girls
(v GB)
1/1980 CBS
14.I Don't Want To Get Drafted / Ancient Armaments5/1980 Zappa 103
15.Goblin Girl / Pink Napkins11/1981 Barking Pumpkin
16.You Are What You Is / Harder Than Your Husband
12" + Pink Napkins / Soup'n'Old Clothes
2/1982 Barking Pumpkin
17.Valley Girl / Teenage Prostitute
featuring Moon Unit Zappa
7/1982 Barking Pumpkin 32
18.Shut Up 'n' Play Your Guitar / Variation On The C Santana Secret9/1982 Barking Pumpkin
19.Baby Take Your Teeth Out / Stevie's Spanking9/1984 EMI
20.Peaches En Regalia / I'm Not Satisfied / Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up10/1987 Rykodisc
21.The Man From Utopia / Ship Arriving Too Late To Save The Drowning Witch4/1988 Capitol
22.Sexual Harrasment In The Workplace / Watermelon In Easter Hay4/1988 Rykodisc
23.Zomby Woof / You Didn't Try To Call Me5/1988 Rykodisc
24.Montana (Whipping Floss) / Cheepnis5/1988 Rykodisc
25.Bobby Brown Goes Down5/1991
26.Stairway To Heaven / Bolero2/1993 Zappa
27.Valley Girl / Teenage Prostitute
& Moon Zappa,
7/1993 Zappa
28.Cheap Thrills4/1998 Rykodisc
29.I Ain't Got No Heart23.04.2021Zappa


1. Does Humour Belong In Music? - 1985
2. Uncle Meat
3. Amazing Mr. Bickford
4. Frank Zappa CA Apostrophe / Over-Nite Sensation - 1.5.2007
5. A Token Of His Extreme - 31.05.2013, Eagle Vision


1. Head (1968, role, r. B. Rafelson)
2. Medium Cool (1969)
3. 200 Motels (1971, r. Tony Palmer & Frank Zappa)
4. Baby Snakes (1979)
5. Miami Vice (role)
6. Pražákům, těm je hej (1990, role, r. Karel Smyczek/M. Kocáb)


Petr Dorůžka: Šuplík plný Zappy
Frank Zappa: The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989)
Jioí Eerný: Hvězdy tehdejších hitparád (1989)
Miles: Frank Zappa - A Visual Documentary


1968 Melody Maker Album Of The Year ("We're Only In It For The Money")
1987 Grammy Awards - Best Rock Instrumental Performance (Orchestra, Group Or Soloist) (LP "Jazz From Hell")
1/1995 Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame
1995 Grammy Awards - Best Recording Package - Boxed ("Civilization Phaze III")
1997 Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award
1999 Grammy Hall Of Fame ("Freak Out!", 1967)
2006 Jammy Awards - Lifetime Achievement Award

WWW Linky:


† 4.12.1993 (Los Angeles, rakovina prostaty)

"Peaches En Regalia" (1987) - první CD singl na světě

prod. LP:

Lowell George And The Factory: Lightning-Rod Man (1966)
GTO's: Permanent Damage (1969, Straight)
Jean-Luc Ponty: King Kong (1971, Pacific Jazz)
Grand Funk: Good Singin' Good Playin' (8/76, EMI)
Dweezil Zappa: Havin' A Bad Day (1986, Barking Pumpkin)

j.h. na LP:
Grand Funk: Good Singin' Good Playin' (8/76, EMI)
Gene Simmons: Asshole (20.4.04, Simmons)

Účast na kompilacích:
"Joe's Garage" na "Twentieth Anniversary" (3.2.04, Rykodisc)


RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19951601.09.199510Bang!alerierecenze LP
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19904 9
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19798 233
19805 139Ze světa
19806 173profil
19806 182
19827 208profil
19828 238profil, diskografie
19883 20Melodie ze světa
19901 15Melodie z domova
19902 56
19924 32Recenzerecenze LP
Melody Maker
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
1971004.12.197158Pop Singlesrecenze SP
19731407.04.197339Caught In The Actrecenze koncertu
19744005.10.197446Albumsrecenze LP
19744509.11.197434Caught In The Actrecenze koncertu
19752812.07.197527Albumsrecenze LP
19754218.10.197538Albumsrecenze LP
1977819.02.197719Caught In The Actrecenze koncertu
1977926.02.197724Albumsrecenze LP
19781408.04.197822Albumsrecenze LP
19783716.09.197824Caught In The Act - Knebworthrecenze koncertu
1979803.03.197931Albumsrecenze LP
19792507.07.197948Albumsrecenze LP
19793729.09.197938Albumsrecenze LP
1980426.01.198011After Darkinterview
19801626.04.19805US News
19801928.06.198018Caught In The Actrecenze koncertu
1981210.01.198116Albumsrecenze LP
19812016.05.198118Albumsrecenze LP
19814324.10.198116Albumsrecenze LP
1982820.02.198213Albumsrecenze LP
1983208.01.19833Fast Forward
1983315.01.19835Fast Forward
19831402.04.198323Albumsrecenze LP
19843329.09.19845Fast Forward - Record News
19843406.10.198420It's Aliverecenze koncertu
19843727.10.198428Albumsrecenze LP
19931724.04.199339Info Freako
19952020.05.199549Info Freako
New Musical Express
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
1972002.09.197220Albumsrecenze LP
1973007.04.19733News Desk
1973005.05.19733News Desk
1973022.09.197346Front Row Reviewsrecenze koncertu
1974026.01.197443This Is America
1974027.04.19742News Desk - Record News
1974005.10.197421Albumsrecenze LP
1974016.11.19740NME Guitar Book
1975008.03.197522Plattersrecenze LP
1975019.07.197516Plattersrecenze LP
1975008.11.197520Plattersrecenze LP
1975022.11.197535Information City
1976004.12.197619Junkyard Angelsinterview
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19791 24Discoramarecenze LP
Rock & Pop
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19912208.11.199120profil, diskografie
1992407.02.199228Recenzerecenze LP
1994231.01.199429Recenzerecenze LP
19952321.11.199527Recenzerecenze LP
199612 20Galerie
19979 111Recenze - Novinkyrecenze LP
19987 119Recenze - CD ROMrecenze LP
20065 48Interview
20095 88Rewind - Classic Rockprofil, diskografie
Rock Revue
RokČísloDatumStranaRubrikaTyp odkazu
19891 26
19902 37profil
19903 31